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User Agreement of Pibox service

This User Agreement (“Agreement” or “Terms and Conditions”) establishes the conditions of usage of Pibox service (“Service”).

The company Pibox Oy provides a complex SaaS product, where creators and teams can collaborate to produce audio, video, and other creative content. The Pibox User can upload different type of multimedia files, build communication around them and set tasks related to their editing. Before using the Service, please read these terms and conditions, which is binding upon all Users of the Service.


1.1. A User can be any person, registered in the Service. By accepting the terms, set forth in this Agreement, User agrees to comply with these Terms or should stop using the Service. Use of the Service is permitted only in case user have the legal capacity to conclude an Agreement with the Service and not limited in respect of by any law. If user use the Service on behalf of an organization, user agree to this Agreement for the organization and warrant that user have the authority to enter into this Agreement on behalf of the organization. Service Administration has the right to stop, cancel or modify the operation of Service at any time without prior written notice. We may also remove any content from the Service in our sole discretion.

Service is not intended for use by children of age under 13 years old. If we become aware that a child under the age of 13 places the files using the Service, we may take measures to remove such information from the Service.

1.2. From the moment of registration, user agrees to automatic processing of personal data that is voluntarily presented by him (or her) when registering on the Service. Conditions of collection, use and handling of the information regulated by the Pibox Privacy Policy.

1.3. The User is solely responsible for his actions, the contents of his files and folders, as well as for communicating with others when using the Service. User is responsible for obtaining of rights or permits that need to be available in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. All the files posted by Users of the Service, solely reflect the views of Users that posted such files. Service administration does not share, does not support these views, and does not warrant that files placed legitimately. User may not use the Service for any illegal purpose.

1.4. The Administration does not provide moderation of the files posted by Users, does not controls the contents of these files, and does not check the files for viruses and other malicious software and cannot be liable for any malicious files received by User through the Service. Service administration is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, appropriateness or adequacy of the files, messages, Users or any other information that is available when user use the Service.

1.5. All files posted through the Service considered to be the property of Users, who place it, as long as there is no reason to believe otherwise (in particular, not received notice of alleged violations).

1.6. The administration is not responsible for any use (as lawful and unlawful) of the files stored on the Service by the third parties, including reproduction and distribution, as implemented through the Service, or any other means possible, and for any consequences of such use of files. Administration is not responsible for the content of files sent through the Service by Users.

1.7. User is solely responsible for the information he posts through the Service. Files and other content placed in the Service may be protected by intellectual property rights which are owned by other parties. Does not copy, does not download files, and does not share it, if user does not have the appropriate permissions to perform these actions. User is solely responsible for the copy, exchange, upload, download or any other actions in connection with the use of the Service.

1.8. Users of the Service does not receive any rights to use the files posted by another user, unless otherwise specified by the user, who placed the file, and bear full responsibility to the owner of the files for their misuse.

1.9. Service Administration has the right, without notice to User and without any explanation of the reasons, at any time remove any files from the Service. In particular, the files can be deleted in case of justified complaints aboit its placement from third parties. In case of any claims of third parties in respect of infringement of any patent and/or copyright, other property and/or personal non-property rights, the User is obliged to fully compensate all the losses of the Service Administration, if any, according to the corresponding court judgment.

1.10. The Service Administration shall not be liable for any loss or damage of user`s files, as well as any costs associated with the creation of a backup or restoration of files.


2.1. Some parts of the Service are made available on a paid subscription basis (“Subscription”). Pricing and included features for the Subscriptions (“Subscription Plan(s)”) are set forth here:

“Subscription Fees” means all fees associated with user`s Subscription.

2.2. User will be billed in advance on a periodic basis (“Billing Cycle“). Billing Cycles are set on a monthly or yearly basis. Whether user is using monthly or yearly billing, user`s account may be charged on a monthly basis. See the [Billing & Payment FAQ] (at the following link: ) for more details.

2.3. Auto-Renewal. User agree that at the end of each Billing Cycle, the Subscription will automatically renew and the user payment method for such Subscription will automatically be charged at the start of each new Subscription period for the fees and taxes applicable to that Billing Cycle, unless user cancel Subscription prior to renewal date.

2.4. User may cancel it`s Subscription either through the account management page or by contacting Pibox customer support team (at [email protected] ) and indicating intention to cancel the Subscription.

2.5. Free Trial. Pibox may, at its sole discretion, offer a Subscription with a free trial for a limited period of time (“Free Trial“). If user is on a Free Trial, it is possible cancel it at any time, until the last day of user`s Free Trial, by following the cancellation procedures outlined in the Subscription and Fees section of this Agreement.

If user or Pibox cancel Free Trial, user acknowledge and agree that Pibox may delete all of User Content or data associated with the Pibox account that was assigned to user`s Free Trial. If the user does not cancel it`s Free Trial, then Free Trial will be converted to a paid Subscription at the end of the trial period, and user hereby authorize Pibox to charge user`s credit card or other payment method for continued use of the paid Service under such Subscription.


3.1. For all Users of the Service is prohibited to:

3.1.1. Post the files containing information of a pornographic nature;

3.1.2. Use the Service to distribute files, the contents of which violates the law, infringes anyone’s intellectual property rights, provides a methods to break or bypass the security of any software;

3.1.3. Use the Service to distribute viruses or any other products containing malicious code;

3.1.4. Use software that generate abnormal load on the Service, as well as one that may harm the Service, and/or cause a failure of technical or software services and/or otherwise disrupt the normal operation of the Service.

3.2. User shall not use the Service to upload, store and/or distribute any files that violate the laws of it`s country or international laws, or the rights and legitimate interests of third parties. User is solely responsible to third parties for their actions related to the placement and/or storage of files through the Service. The user agrees to settle all claims of third parties in connection with the placement and/or storage of files through the Service at his own expense.

3.3. Administration may close, alter the access to User files or delete files (including elements forming part of the User profile in the Service, such as avatar or nickname) that have characteristics of:

3.3.1. agitation and propagandistic activities;

3.3.2. inciting ethnic or religious hatred or insulting the national dignity;

3.3.3. exposed promulgation of violence;

3.3.4. threats of violence, including the use of force;

3.3.5. any direct and/or indirect statements that contradict with national or international law;

The decision regarding accordance of the file to the abovementioned requirements is taken by Service Administration at its discretion. Administration has the right to block, move, close or delete the object (file).

The Administration reserves the right to:

– Lock and delete User`s files publicly available, if these objects do not meet the requirements set out in this Agreement ;

– Prohibit the use of the Service to Users who violate this Agreement and the Rules;

– To change this Agreement and/or Terms and Conditions of any use of the Service.


User warrants that files which will be placed through the Service:

– Does not contain any information the dissemination of which is prohibited or restricted in accordance with the laws of it`s country of residence;

– Does not violate the intellectual property rights of third parties;

– Its content correspond to social, moral and ethical principles (do not contain messages that offend human dignity, promulgating violence, racial or ethnic hatred, etc.);

– Does not contain any viruses or other software containing malicious code.


By using the Service, user agree not to perform or attempt to perform the following actions:

– Probe, scan or test the vulnerability of any system or network, related to the operation of the Service;

– Infringe or otherwise circumvent security and authentication procedures;

– Access to the areas of Service, which are not publicly available, to interfere with Service operation or usability;

– Illegally interfere with any user’s operation, computer, or any network or interrupt it, for example by sending a virus, overloading, overflow, sending unsolicited e-mail or mail bombing any part of the Service;

– Integrate into files malicious software or otherwise use the Service to distribute malware;

– Access to the Service or to perform search in Service in any way, except for the use of publicly provided or supported by the Service interfaces;

– Send unsolicited messages, advertising or spam;

– Send altered, deceptive or false information indicating the source, including “spoofing” or “phishing”;

– Post any materials that are fraudulent, deceptive or violates the rights of others;

– Advertise products or services that not belong to user, without permission;

– Impersonate any person, or falsely represent an existing connection with another person or entity;

– Post or distribute pornographic material or obscene material, as well as materials which are characterized by intolerance, incite religious, racial or ethnic hatred;

– In any way violate the law or the privacy of others, as well as to disseminate information defamatory to other people.


6.1. The Administration does not warrant that the Service shall correspond to objectives and expectations of the User, trouble-free and error-free operation, as well as the safety of the User profile and files posted by the User. Service Administration does not check files, posted through the Service, and not responsible for the content of files and its compliance with the law or the safety of their use (including, but not limited to the absence in files of viruses or malicious code). Placement, download, view and use of files (including the transition to the links to other Internet resources, included in the file) comes at the User’s own risk. Service does not cover any damage, direct or indirect, caused to the User or third parties arising from the use of or inability to use the posted through the Service files or the Service as a whole.

6.2. Administration reserves the right, without prior notice, remove any files from the Service or temporarily restrict access to them. In case of violation of these Terms and/or the requirements of the legislation by the User, the Administration reserves the right to terminate User’s account entirely or partially.

6.3. The Service is provided “as is” at user`s own risk, without explicit or implied warranties. We also disclaim any warranties of merchantability, conformity for a particular purpose or compliance with copyright. Service Administration does not bear any responsibility for any damage caused to user`s computer, loss or corruption of data or other harm resulting from user`s access to the Service and/or its use.


If user – the owner of the copyright or other intellectual property rights or/and authorized to act on behalf of the right holder or under any exclusive right as defined in the copyright, please report alleged copyright infringement that take place in the Service, or in connection with its use, by completing submitted below the “Notice of the alleged infringement” and sending it to the Service Administration. Upon receipt of the Notice, Service Administration in its sole discretion shall take all action it deems necessary for, including the removal of the corresponding content (files) from the Service.

The notice of alleged infringement (“Notice”):

1. Define the object of copyright, which user think is used with violation. If this Notice includes a few of copyright objects, which, as user suppose, used with violation, user can create a representative list of such objects.

2. Specify a file or a link to a file, to which user think access has to blocked as they are used in violation of copyright (or the subject of activity that violates copyrights). At a minimum, user must specify the exact location, where the file can be found.

3. Define user`s address, phone number, and e-mail address (if available).

4. Include in the text of the Notice two statements listed below:

“I am reasonably assume that the use of copyrighted material indicated by me is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or is prohibited by law (for example, not allowed to view according to law).”

“I hereby declare, under penalty of perjury, that the information contained in this Notice is accurate and I am the owner or authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner or exclusive rights within the confines of the copyright that is allegedly infringed.”

5. Enter user`s full name and provide an electronic or physical signature.

Send this notice with all positions filled to Service Administration to email address: [email protected]


This Agreement and any separate agreements whereby we provide Services shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Finland (unless otherwise prescribed by a separate Agreement with a Pibox User).


From time to time, Administration may change this Agreement. If the change is essential (in our sole opinion), we will notify user (for example, by e-mail to the address associated with user`s account). Other changes may be published on our User Agreement page, so check these pages regularly. By continuing to access or use the Service after the changes take effect, user agree to act in accordance with the modified Terms and Conditions. If user does not agree to the new Terms and Conditions, please stop using the Service.


Questions about the Terms and Conditions should be sent to us at [email protected]

Company Information:
Pibox Oy
Finnish Business ID: 2921507-2
Address: Itälahdenkatu 22 A, Helsinki, 00210 Finland.

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